Interview with Jean Mignen from Lycée Kastler Guitton

Can you introduce yourself?

I’m Jean Mignen, a teacher at the Lycée Professionnel Kasler Guitton in La Roche-sur-Yon, more specifically in the Bac Pro Conducteur Routier section. At the same time, I’m a volunteer IDSR (Intervenant Départemental de la Sécurité Routière) in the Vendée department.

How did you hear about Develter Innovation?

It’s mainly thanks to my voluntary work as a road safety instructor for the Vendée prefecture. In 2007, the prefecture invested in a Develter Innovation driving simulator and we were trained in its use for 2 days by Pierre-Olivier, a Develter instructor.

At the same time, at my request, the school also invested in a Develter simulator with a more advanced dynamic platform.

How are Develter Innovation solutions used in your job?

The simulators enable us to raise awareness and train students in the Bac Pro Conducteur Routier course in conflict situations that are difficult to reproduce in the real world.

We also use them for company drivers during the post-licence training courses that I carry out as part of my job with the Greta CFA. We work in companies with a simulator installed in a lorry, so that participants don’t have to travel.

Do you use a specific simulator for heavy goods vehicles?

Yes, although the driving position is that of a car, we can simulate different vehicles such as a semi-trailer or a bus, which is unique to Develter Innovation.

What are the main advantages of Develter Innovation simulators?

They allow you to reproduce conflict situations and share a message with a group of 8 to 10 people at the same time. This is particularly effective compared with in-car training, where the message is only conveyed to 1 or 2 people.

Having tested other simulators, I find that Develter Innovation’s solutions are unrivalled for post-licence training. Their scenarios are very professional.

Do you have any future projects with Develter Innovation?

I’d like to see scenarios that include two-wheeled traffic, such as lorries overtaking bikes or scooters, which is a difficult manoeuvre. That would enrich the training even more.