1st quarter 2025: We’re delighted to announce the arrival of our new software,
more ergonomic, more modern and even more educational. Coming soon…
The Develter driving simulators have reached an amazing level, but a simulator does not allow you to have the same feeling as in a vehicle. We should not compare a simulator and a car but consider this tool as a particularly effective teaching tool to enable a driver to drive more safely on the road.
Our driving simulator is not a self-training tool but a valuable aid for a trainer to make his training fun and effective. Develter can train your team in the educational use of the simulator.
Our software is available in versions: light vehicle, heavy vehicle, light commercial vehicle, semi, carrier, bus, coach.
The simulator will allow you to carry out exercises that will provide a unique
and essential experience to become a safe driver.
Live the accident
How many times have you heard:
- I had an accident but I was not at fault
- I had an accident in my rights
- I had an accident but it was inevitable
Our experience shows that a driver in this situation takes an average of 1.2 seconds to react.
Learn to avoid accidents
The Develter’Concept :
- Learn to do everything possible to avoid an accident
- Motivate to implement security measures on a daily basis
It is enough to gain 7/10ths of a second to go from a serious or even fatal accident to an accident avoided.
Effective educational progression
1/ Know how to react effectively to avoid an accident
- Optimize reaction time
- Master emergency braking
- Combine braking and avoidance
Many variants are proposed to achieve this objective.
The different variants offered make it possible to train the driver and the brain to memorize the procedures.
2/ Develop observation skills
- Thanks to eyes tracking, we can analyze precisely where the driver is looking (head and pupils) and show areas for improvement. Gathering information is essential in driving because in more than 1 out of 3 accidents, one of the drivers did not see the obstacle or saw it too late and hits it head-on.
From the video recorder function you can activate the option which lets you know what the driver is watching. You also have a complete report on the frequencies of the zones observed and the durations. A Developer exclusive!
3/ Experiencing accident situations
- Experiencing many accident situations
- Know and implement security measures
Simulation makes it possible to modify the representation system of the brain so as to always anticipate the deteriorating situation.
4/ Eco-driving
- Combining safe driving and economical driving
- Make the driving smooth and comfortable
- Save fuel
Why consume more when you can, with good practices,
save fuel.
5/ Assessment Tests
- Driving ability assessment tests and driver progression
- Objective measures

Objective and indisputable measurements.
A complete and printable report.
Our software is available in several languages and right & left hand drive.