A range of premium driving simulators
Car Evolution
Discover the Car Evolution in 360°
A 2-in-1, HGV/PL
This model allows with a single driving simulator to train drivers of light and heavy vehicles while keeping ergonomics and design.
Switching version HGV/VL
It is then sufficient to adjust the height of the steering wheel using electric actuators.
MobilPro Evolution
Discover the MobilPro Evolution in 360°
Bulk dimensions for transport
Rehab Evolution
This station is at the origin of our new range of driving stations.
It combines the qualities of the Car Evolution and incorporates all the equipment and accessories for reeducation and rehabilitation.
For equipment for people with reduced mobility (PRM), Develter has chosen PIMAS.
Discover the Rehab Evolution in 360°
The Rehab Evolution also exists in a wheelchair version
An option makes it possible to separate the Rehab Evolution into 2 parts, by removing the rear part including the RECARO seat, to put the wheelchair.
A stowage system is provided.
The transformation to use the simulator in classic version to wheelchair version and vice versa takes less than 2 minutes.
The parts used are parts from car manufacturers, equipment manufacturers or
manufactured by us for our driving simulators.
Our peripheral equipments
High-end peripherals common to all driving stations
Peripherals and acessories available on the Rehab Evolution
Peripherals and accessories available on Truck stations